BMI Calculator

What is the BMI Calculator and How to Use it?



BMI – Body Mass Index, is a formula that helps you determine whether you are on an ideal weight for your height. Read on to know all you need to know about BMI and how to use an online calculator to find your BMI.

What is BMI?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a formula that estimates body fat levels using your height and weight. It’s a quantified measure that determines that amount of tissue mass – fat, muscles, and bones of an individual.

Excess fat in the body leads to severe medical conditions like diabetes and blood pressure. The BMI uses a formula to determine whether you are underweight, healthy, overweight, or obese.

How to calculate BMI?

BMI is calculated using the following formula – divide an individual’s weight in kilograms by the square of the height in metres.

Let’s say, your weight is 65 kilograms and your height is 5 feet 2 inches. Your BMI is calculated using the following formula:

BMI = 65 / (1.57 * 1.57) = 26

If calculating the BMI manually is difficult, you can make use of an online tool – the BMI calculator.

How to use it?

This is a free online calculator that is available on many sites. To calculate your BMI, you must enter the following details:

  1. Weight in kilograms (or pounds)
  2. Height in metres (or feet and inches)
  3. Press calculate

The tool gives your numerical BMI number, along with mentioning whether you are underweight, overweight, normal, or obese.

BMI Results

●       Underweight – less than 18.0

●       Normal weight – 18.0 to 24.0

●       Overweight – 25.0 to 29.9

●       Obese – 30 or more

Why does the BMI matter?

It gives you a clear picture of your current health levels. Let’s say; your BMI is 16.5. This means you are underweight. This makes you prone to health issues like reduced immunity, osteoporosis, anaemia, and more. You must eat nutritious foods like nuts, and fruits to increase your immunity and overall body strength.

If your BMI is 27, it means you are overweight, and your chances of developing diseases like BP, diabetes, cholesterol, stroke, coronary artery disease are more. You have to embrace healthy eating, avoid junk foods, and exercise to lower your BMI.

Remember that while applying for health or life insurance, the insurance provider considers your BMI levels to determine your premium. People who don’t have normal BMI are likely to pay higher premiums. So, make sure to keep your BMI in check.

Should I be worried if my BMI is not in the normal range?

It all depends on your physical situation and lifestyle. For instance, if you are an active person, your BMI may be high but not because of fat levels in your body. So, this is not considered unhealthy.

However, it’s highly recommended that you visit a doctor/nutritionist if your BMI levels are severely underweight or near obese. Others can adopt healthy habits like clean eating, exercising regularly to bring their BMI levels in the normal range.

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