PDF to word

How To Convert Your Blog To PDF



Are you a blogger who frequently writes on an online website? Then, it is important for you to read this article and know why converting blogs to PDF is vital and can be very useful in the future for professional and personal purposes.

There are various software available online that can help you convert your blogs to PDF in no time. However, all your blogs are primarily your work and subject to copyright. But in some cases, to ensure extra protection of your blogs, you can convert them into PDF and store them.

Importance of Converting your blogs to PDF

The importance of converting blogs into PDFs can be defined by the new age of digital crimes and the possibility of data threat. Your blog is public on an online site. It might occur that a cybercriminal targets your blog and hacks it to use it for unfaithful purposes. This act can lead to the deletion of all your blog posts and the connectivity that you have acquired through years of blogging.

Converting your blog post to PDF creates a backup data collection that can be used when any inconvenience is caused. PDF blogs can also be used for email marketing. If you wish to increase the traffic of your blog and get a personal connection with your subscribers, email marketing is necessary. Through email, you can provide PDF files of the most viewed articles in your blog directly to the subscribers. This will also lead to increased traffic.

How to convert blog posts to PDF?

There are several websites that help you convert your blog into a read-only PDF file. You can find any one of the sites that helps you to fulfill this purpose by simply searching.


  1. Open a blog converter website or tool.
  2. Find the dropbox or upload area.
  3. Paste the URL of the blog you want to be converted to PDF.
  4. Click Convert after checking the verification options.
  5. Wait for a few seconds and let the conversion complete.
  6. Depending on your internet speed, the converted file will be automatically downloaded.

How to convert PDF to Word?

Converting your blogs to PDF was an easy process. But, what if you want your PDF as a Word file so that you can make some changes or correct mistakes? In that case, you must change the PDF to word by using an online tool or website. There are plenty of reasons why you might need to convert your file into Word.

If you want to use your own blog posts for other publishing purposes and as a professional portfolio document, you might want to make slight changes in the writing style of some content. You might also want to create a new article using some of the approaches from your previous articles.

For these purposes, you can use a PDF editor and create personalized files. The steps to convert PDF to word are:

  1. Visit any PDF conversion tool.
  2. Upload your PDF file.
  3. Click convert and wait for the process to complete.
  4. Download your converted file into the device.

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